Okay Italia

Nyugati ter 6 [map]
Szent István körút 20 [map]
Pest, V, Nyugati tér (M3, T4/6)
Cuisine > Italian

Rating: 6.5/10

It's ok.

Food: 6.5/10
Service: 6.5/10
Atmosphere: 6.5/10

Value for money: 6.5/10

Andy Sz.

Épitész Pince

Ötpacsirta utca 2 [map]
Pest, VIII,
Kálvin tér (M3, T47/49), 2 min
Cuisine > Hungarian

Rating: 8.0/10

The restaurant itself is well hidden. Tucked in between the National Museum and the Szabó Ervin Könyvtár (ELTE Library), past the ocher facade of the Chamber of Hungarian Architects (hence épitész), across the sand-dollar courtyard, and finally down the steps to the basement (hence pince), therein lies Épitész Pince. Directions and meaning in one, how illuminating!
It's hard to deny the aesthetic charm of Épitész Pince. The courtyard, entangled with ivy and surrounded by marble busts and Romanesque colonnades, is worth a peek even if you're not going to sit down for a beer. You might as well though, given that prices are surprisingly reasonable, and never have I nursed an unenjoyable beer while surrounded by ivy and Romanesque colonnades. The crowd, too, is impressive. Pick a season (cough, not winter) and the sprawl of tables is packed with a student-dominated clientele. Come colder months, however, tables are piled high in the corner and gastronomic pursuits are directed indoors.

Inside, both view and ambiance head south. At times deserted, at times dominated by real live architects doing real live business, Épitész Pince is hard to count on for a lively evening out. With popularity waning with the temperature and an interior design that feels more Liszt Ferenc knock-off than its exterior would suggest, indoor dining might not seem the brightest prospect.

The waitstaff, however, are as friendly as they come and more than make up for the drab decoration. Even with almost-every-other-monthly appearances, I am still greeted, "Egy korsó Borostyán, ugye?". Yes, you've remembered, Good Sir. And for that I am honored. But you're here for the food, after all. Skim the menu and you'll find the fare to be traditionally Hungarian with a smattering of a surprisingly creative poultry and pork options. Portions are generous, well prepared, with mains hovering between 1500 and 2000Ft.

At times Épitész Pince feels Mom and Pop gone awry. With an interior so uninspired and a courtyard so charming, you might feel that they've missed a trick. But it's perhaps to the credit of this strange dichotomy that the restaurant hasn't gone the way of its more popular, expensive brethren. So get there before you're actually hungry, have a couple of beers by the rolling ivy, and the vision might just linger long enough to last your meal.

Food: 8/10
Service: 9/10
Atmosphere: 8/10

Value for money: 7/10

From Kálvin tér head down Múzeum utca to Ötpacsirta utca. You'll see a yellow building on the first corner. Duck inside the courtyard and head downstairs. Open all week except on Sundays.


Gyros to die for

For any gyros connoisseur, proper preparation of a gyros is nothing short of culinary art, and Budapest is by no means short on options for sampling. But where to? Maybe you've tried your hand at a Star Kebab, asked for extra napkins at Titiz, or even braved one by the metro at Nyugati. But for those gyros enthusiasts with a discerning palate, an eye for ambiance, and no qualms with what's inside, look no further.

Wikinger (Gyros rating: 9.5/10)
Móricz Zsigmord körtér [map]
Buda, XI, (4/6 tram), 1 min

More popular with the Buda crowd, Wikinger, located at the heart of Móricz Zsigmond körtér, offers the most lavish dining options of the three. The inside breathes efficiency, and if you've got your Gyros Ordering Script memorized - Csirke vagy birkahűs? Csirke. Hagyma, csipős? Minden. Give me everything you've got! - you're whisked off to the checkout where you have the option of Soproni on tap: a real rarity when you're eating Turkish.

What's inside? I would label the finished product in the aromatic vain, doused with particularly strong sauces and complemented well with generous portions of lettuce and tomatoes. They're a bit frugal with the "meat", but enjoying your gyros out on their tent-covered patio overlooking the square more than makes up for it. Perhaps not the best option for staving off a hangover, Wikinger is much better suited for an early evening stop and more than worth the trip across the river.

Fufu és Fau Gyros Büfé (Gyros rating: 9.5/10)
Tompa u. 2, [map]
Pest, IX, (4/6 tram, Mester utca), 1 min

Though tucked away on Tompa utca, in between the körút and cafe/bar laden Raday utca, the comically large 'GYROS' sign that adorns the facade makes Fufu és Fau's hard to miss. Inside, the owners are inviting and more than willing to strike up a conversation. Space on the ground floor is a bit cramped, so once you've got your gyros, grab some extra napkins and head upstairs to the more spacious seating area. Dim lighting and a view of the church at Bakáts tér make it one of the more romantic gyros hideouts. "Yeah, you've got sauce all over your cheek. Let me get that for you."

What's inside? A real carnivore's delight, chock-full of the most tender gyros meat I've come across in the city. The sauce is both lighter and less spicy than commonly found, though perhaps it serves as a better complement to the meat. The whole oily mess is served in the ever-classy gyros cup. For the true gyros lover, Fufu és Fau's is a must.

Szultán Büfé (Gyros rating: 9.0/10)
Boráros tér, [map]
Pest, IX, (4/6 tram, Boráros tér), 0 min

Szultán büfé is one of the more unassuming gyros haunts in Budapest. Located in the underpass beneath the 4/6 tram at Boráros tér, it's a quality option for those looking to dine on the move. The "meat" is "fresh", the owners are friendly, and for the more health conscious, the falafel is vegetarian fast-food bliss. It's also one of the few places in the city where you can still find a falafel for under 500 forint.

What's inside? Szultán Büfé's gyros are packed with greens and drenched in a notably flavorful sauce. The owner never forgets to give the sliced pita tip a little flourish by running it through the flame before handing it over, almost making up for the fact that you'll be eating, dripping and dabbing your face as you walk to other night time destinations. Hop off the 4/6 for a quick bite if you're in the area.


Unicornis Étterem

Vámház körút 8 [map]
Pest, V,
Kálvin tér (M3, T47/49), 3 min
Cuisine > International

Rating: 7.0/10
Hankering for pizza? On a psychedelic trip to the moon? Have a hard-to-please group of friends all wanting to agree on someplace to eat? You’ve found your spot (but only if it's all three)!

The unassuming sign and facade that boasts of 990Ft (4€) pizza, leaves you ill-prepared for the world you're about to step into. You’re approaching another dimension. What lies within these walls is stupefying!

Unicornis appears to be the result of what happens when a few friends from opposite ends of the spectrum get together to run a restaurant. Probably their only bond is a penchant for LSD or magic mushrooms, which leaves them in no position to agree on anything!

The décor is analogous to what a 14-year-old fan of Dungeons and Dragons might do for their school art project. Styrofoam pockmarks the perimeter and is meant to look like a crumbling façade, in between white 'pillars' that stop mid-wall. A fire-breathing dragon and yes, of course, a unicorn, gallivant amidst a psychedelic space-scape beyond. The Neverending Story meets Flash Gordon but with zero budget and traditional Hungarian table booths.

Oh, and it’s not unlikely that you’ll hear 1990’s hit “Ice Ice Baby” followed by Cher’s “If I Could Turn Back Time” to complete the oddest restaurant atmosphere in town.

What got me through the door of Unicornis in the first place was the cheap pizza, and it’s certainly the way to go if you're short on cash. You might assume that 990Ft only gets you a margarita, but you'd be mistaken, my friend. There are about two full pages of speciality pizzas, all a full 32 centimeters, all included in that same great price.

In keeping with the surroundings, there are some odd toppings too. The Barbecue pizza includes BBQ sauce, bacon, gyros(!), corn, onion, and peppers. It gets better. How about spicy sauce, Vienna sausage (hot dogs), bacon, corn, hot peppers, and fried eggs? While certainly not the most authentic pizza I’ve had in Budapest, it certainly wasn't the worst either. And psychedelic space beggars can't be choosers!

The rest of the menu is haphazard, to say the least.
Yogurt, pickles and turkey legs make their way into various loose translations of the “burrito”. There’s a “wok” section, some Indian options, salads, and of course Hungarian specialities. They also have a vegetarian selection which goes beyond fried cheese and salad, with heartier options such as the veggie risotto.

Unicornis is absolutely not the place to impress on a first, second, third or any date! Likewise, bring your parents here, and it'll only confirm their suspicions that you're not eating properly. But if you're hungry at that end of town, with 1000Ft in your pocket, and in need of a giggle, Unicornis delivers. It delivers you into a mythological world where a boy who needs some food can find a restaurant that needs a hero.

Food: 6.5/10
Service: 7/10
Atmosphere: 7.5/10

Value for money: 8/10

Unicornis Étterem is between Kálvin tér and Fóvám tér (Great Market Hall) tram stops on the #47/49 line and is within easy walking distance of either.
Ariba; Aribba; Areeba; Arribba
Jacob P.

Kis Pozsonyi & Lecsó

It's easy to develop a lazy routine as a foreigner in Hungary. You get to know a few places that you like and you just keep on going back for familiar grub, at a familiar spot in a familiar restaurant. But those who earn an average Hungarian wage aren't hitting up sit-down restaurants every night; their bankroll simply wouldn't allow it. So, every so often, when in Budapest, why not do as the Budapesters do?

Fortunately for me, two brand new canteens - "étkezde" - opened up a couple months ago in my neighborhood. Literally, one just around the corner from the other. The first is the size of a walk-in closet, the second, a two-floor behemoth.

Kis Pozsonyi
Pannónia utca 2 [map]
Pest, XIII, Jászai Mari tér (T4/6), 1 min
Cuisine > Hungarian, Fast food

Rating: 7.6/10

For weeks I watched a little hole in the wall get transformed into one of these canteen eateries. While the construction was taking place, I fumbled to fathom what might be going in here. Once opened, I was still unsure what Kis Pozsonyi was exactly. The intimacy of the unassuming space was perplexing. Do people eat in this little place? After much internal struggle, I mustered up the courage, and decided to be the intruder on true Hungarian eating culture.

The first couple of times I ate here, I went for soup, sometimes,
főzelék, sometimes an additional meat portion. The major selling point: it's cheap. Almost insanely cheap. I grabbed a quick főzelék and a beer, and realized that the more expensive of my two items was the beer, with my check totaling just over 400 forint. That's another selling point, they've got beer—230 for a pohár and 380 for a korsó of Dreher. The rest of the menu is similar fare, Hungarian staple foods all warming in stainless steel trays.

For one thing, at high lunch-traffic time, you can't move in the place. You might have to take a couple of walks around the block before some elbow space frees at one of the maybe ten chairs. Presumably, this is when most of the food gets devoured here, so get there early for the best selection, though they're open 'til 8pm daily.

The people that come here are of all sorts. I've seen cute girls scamper in the door, construction workers just off the job, a flock of French women, and eagerly hungry 30-something males popping in for a quick bite. The fact that it’s family-owned and operated adds to its allure.

It wasn't until after snagging their last leg of duck one day that I came to a stark realization. This must be the little brother to Pozsonyi Kisvendéglő, which I reviewed with much acclaim not long ago. The taste of the duck, along with the red cabbage (accompanied by fries, a simple soup and a beera mountain of food for under 1200 forint) was strikingly similar as the restaurant's big brother, which helped me finally put two and two together. Though the smiling chef decal in the windowwhich the big Pozsonyi sharesshould have given it away to me.

Kis Pozsonyi has quickly become my place to go for a quick meal, one that's inexpensive, tasty enough, always reliable, and saves me having to contemplate cooking.

Food: 6.5/10
Service: 8/10
Atmosphere: 7/10

Value for money: 9/10

Szent István körút 10 [map]
Pest, XIII, Jászai Mari tér (T4/6), 1 min
Cuisine > Hungarian, Fast food

Rating: 5.1/10
Lecsó (named after the Hungarian stew) feels like walking into a bathroom where they serve Hungarian fast-food, thanks to the fresh tile everywhere. The puzzled-looking women behind the troughs of food are robotic in everything from their insincere "szia" to their green look as they spoon out your food. Maybe it's because Lecsó is the new kid on the block, and boy can you tell it. It's big, two floors, and rarely filled with people, except maybe at lunchtime.

Sure there's plenty to choose from, Hungarian soups, goulash, assorted deep friend meats, even desserts and salads, but the employees don't even seem to know what any of it is. Perhaps most off-putting: people watch you eat. The bored ladies have no trivial small talk or menial tasks to tend to, so they stare, silently. Eat here and you'll know how monkeys in cages feel.

The food is not particularly inspiring either; insipid, in fact. Worse still, it’s insanely expensive. On one of my few trips into the place, they managed to con me out of 1070 forint for a dry piece of breaded chicken and a bowl of unidentifiable
főzelék! It could have been white beans, maybe potato, who knows?

Oh and a side of rice is 290 forint! Rice? 290 forint!?!
Highway robbery!

The only time it might be acceptable to think about eating in Lecsó is from 8 to 10 in the evening, when the food is half price (and still too expensive at that). At least there's no risk of it losing its flavour!

Food: 5/10
Service: 6.5/10
Atmosphere: 5/10

Value for money: 4/10

Both restaurants are a quick jaunt from Jászai Mari tér. Just walk away from the Danube down the körút and Lecsó is on the left. Kis Pozsonyi is on the left a bit further down, on the corner of Pannónia utca, immediately before Vig Színház.
Letcho, Lecho, Lecso
Jacob P.

Pozsonyi Kisvendéglő

Radnóti Miklós utca 38 [map]
Pest, XIII, Jászai Mari tér
(T4/6), 4 min
Cuisine > Hungarian

Rating: 8.5/10

Pozsonyi Kisvendéglő has character and plenty of it, but it's not overly boastful and doesn't scream, "HEY! We're a happening Hungarian restaurant." However, the ivy growing on the restaurant's facade is inviting, as are the always-packed tables located outside during the warmer months.

Located on the corner of it's namesake street in the 13th district, Pozsonyi Kisvendéglő holds a special place in my heart. Sure, Pozsonyi út has a quaint allure with it's numerous shoe-box-sized watering holes, cafes, book shops, homey Hungarian craft stores, and plenty of cute geriatric couples walking arm in arm, but that's not the main reason. It's one of the first places where I finally felt like Budapest was my home. It is restaurants like this which are neighborhood staples, and Pozsonyi Kisvendéglő is just that.

Without a doubt, have the duck. I can't stress it enough. HAVE THE DUCK! Quack, quack, quack. Just keep thinking of that bit in The Mighty Ducks as you step in, and don't you forget it, as you browse the lengthy, book-like menu. If you insist on reading it all - just have the duck - you can take a waltz through Hungarian gastronomy but you'll definitely be asking your waitress for a little longer: "Egy pillanat!"

Around 1600 forint gets you half of a fried duck and hearty flavorful sides of red cabbage and smashed potatoes. There's so much food on the plate that if you can finish, you should consider shooting for the Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest.

If you're not looking to have to have someone roll you out of the place, or if you're not even willing to spend the measly 1500 for a killer meal, have no fear. The babgulyásleves (bean goulash soup, or "Mr. Bean Soup" as it's translated in the menu) is certainly a meal in itself; chunks of succulent beef, just the right amount of beans, plenty of potatoes and carrots all in a tasty broth, and for under 800 forint. There's also enough similarly priced dishes to fill you up without draining your billfold.

Pozsonyi Kisvendéglő is a spot that you could easily visit once a week, every week. It's also a place to bring friends for their first Hungarian meal or a place for a last hurrah before leaving Budapest, but most importantly, it's a place for really heartwarming, inexpensive Hungarian food. All of this makes Pozsonyi feel like some place you can call your own, even if plenty of others do as well.

Food: 9/10
Service: 8/10
Atmosphere: 8/10

Value for money: 9/10

Kisvendéglő is located on the corner of Pozsonyi and Radnóti Miklós utca. Just walk down Pozsonyi from Jászai Mari tér for a few minutes and look for the cartoon chef in the window.
Ariba; Aribba; Areeba; Arribba
Jacob P.

Arriba Taqueria

Teréz körút 25 [map]
Pest, VI, Oktogon (T4/6, M1), 2 min
Cuisine > Mexican

Rating: 7.3/10

Budapest is in no way at a loss for globalized fast food chains. McDonald's, Burger King, KFC, Pizza Hut, you name it. There's just one thing missing from my book of American fast food staples: Mexican. When the deep reaches of your stomach and the sensors in your brain are telling you that you haven't had a Mexican fix in a while, then Arriba Taqueria is your place in Budapest.

Arriba is in no way a Mexican fast food joint a la Taco Bell. Not even close, and that's probably a good thing. You can't get a taco for pennies, there's no grade D meat involved, in fact, Arriba's the stronger choice (not that you have one—there's no TB in sight). Arriba's closer cousins are the American burrito chains, Qdoba and Chipotle.

You come in, there's a menu board, you pick which burrito, quesadilla, or taco you want, the friendly (yes, friendly! and helpful! in Budapest! eureka!) staff grabs your tortilla shell and shuffles it down the line where toppings galore await your go-ahead to be piled high in your tortilla, then it's wrapped, tossed in a basket with a few chips and you're on your merry way. However, by few chips, I literally mean a few, like 3. I think they could stand to throw in at least enough to sop up the leftover pico de gallo and beans that spill out of your bulging burrito.Due to the plethora of ingredients involved though, there's no shortage of flavor going on and that's how a good burrito should be. Chorizo, pollo, carne asada, carnitas, machaca, even a vegetarian option; the fillings and options are plentiful. One of the only things you should be wary of when making your selections at Arriba: it can get a bit pricey rather quickly if you snag a burrito and, say, opt for another item, such as the much needed extra chips, a fresh squeezed orange juice, or an imported Mexican beer. All in all though, the menu boasts of a vast, tasty selection and you can even swing by in the AM for a breakfast burrito.

Arriba's great for other things as well. Their bathroom is so mod, you'll feel like you're peeing in 2010. They have free WiFi, so you can enjoy your quesadilla while Skype-ing with friends and show them that Mexican food really does exist in Budapest. It's nice to find out that their business practices stand up as well. Arriba's packaging is largely biodegradable and re-usable, and they even use Fair Trade coffee.

Though the decor is predictable, it follows suit with what certainly feels like a chain restaurant, but when it comes to this style of Americanized Mexican food, I think that's what we've come to expect. With that said, the crowd that Arriba draws in follows suit as well. It's a place where it's not hard to spot an overweight, over-loud American yelling, "Yo! Grab me the hot sauce!" But would you really want it any other way?

Food: 7.5/10
Service: 8.5/10
Atmosphere: 7/10

Value for money: 6.5/10

Arriba Taqueria is just a stone's throw from Oktogon. Walk up Teréz körut (toward Margit hid) for about two minutes, it's on the right, you can't miss it. They also do delivery.
Ariba; Aribba; Areeba; Arribba
Jacob P.

Bangla Bufe

Akácfa utca 40 [map]
Pest, VII, Király utca
(T4/6), 5 min
Cuisine > Bengali/Bangladeshi

Rating: 8.0/10

There's something distinctly odd about seeing a map of Hungary next to a photo of Mecca's Holy Mosque but such is the decoration in Bangla Bufe. As the name suggests, this isn't an Indian restaurant - there's space inside for ten, at a push - but neither is it strictly a 'bufe'.

The city is littered with buffet-style take-aways. The kind of places that cook a load of food at lunch-time and then slowly run out as the day wears on. So go to a standard buffet at 10pm and you're likely to find it closed, or touting the hardier of leftovers.

Thankfully, Bangla Bufe is not of this ilk. It opens until 11pm and the food is fresh and cooked while you're there. Perhaps a modest selection of dishes is what makes this possible: 4 curries, 3 biryanis and a spicy Jhal Goru - that's the mains summed up in one breath. (Full menu here.) The current owner describes it as Bengali home cooking, and seems proud to be bringing a little taste of it to Budapest.

Sitting at a table, looking up at a TV that redefines my notion of fuzzy, I let my eyes drift downwards past the hatstand, to the fire extinguisher that tries to hide behind it. If you're looking for refinement, Bangla isn't your Bufe. But should you eat in, you'll find the service friendly, almost homely, something that's in short supply in Budapest.

Our first taste of the food arrived in the form of some impressive-looking papaddums, a notch above the average, although a chutney dip or two would have worked wonders. A couple of Wizbit-shaped samosas were a more complete starter and great value at 390Ft a pair. For mains, the beef curry and a chicken biryani fought each other for our favours, and the curry won by a mile - a rich, gingery flavour, and not too mild either. (Hungarian tastes usually drive the spice levels down, in my experience, and I'm usually too chicken to ask for a strong one, in case it blows my head off.) For refreshment, while there's no alcohol, there is Mango Lassi.

Bangla Bufe fills a nice niche, especially if you're missing the decent selection of affordable 'Indian' restaurants back home. If you're just in the mood for a curry rather than an evening out, Bangla Bufe will sate your appetite, and at a price that will put it at the top of your list the next time you get the urge.

Food: 7.5/10
Service: 8/10
Atmosphere: 7.5/10

Value for money: 9/10

Bangla Bufe isn't in the most obvious location. Walk down Akácfa utca from Király utca, and you'll spot it on your right after a 2-minute walk.

Andy Sz.

Lunch at Kohinoor

Wesselényi utca 49, [map]
Pest, VII,
Wesselényi utca (T 4,6), 2 min
Cuisine > Indian

Rating: 7.8/10

Raining, hungry. The 74 trolleybus splashes grubby puddles onto the pavements of Wesselényi utca. Grey, dreary. That is, until I step into Kohinoor, the curryhouse at number 49.
Romantic Hindi pop serenades me as I tuck into my lentil soup, and I start to feel warmer, better. My mains arrive and it seems that even the 'small plate' is going to be plenty. On today's lunch menu is chicken dopiaza and vegetable masala, served with rice and naan. It tastes good and is certainly freshly made – the naan bread burns my fingers and the onions in my dopiaza are still nicely crunchy. Not a bit spicy mind you, but tasty nonetheless.

It isn't busy, but then it is a rainy Monday lunchtime during Ramadan... so fair enough. Flipping through the full menu it looks like there are plenty of meat dishes under 2000Ft, and vegetarian mains are around half that price. What with extras, I'd say an evening meal is likely to set you back around 3000Ft. Best value though is to come at lunchtime and feast for as little as 900Ft - this is all it costs for a 'small' plate and I was struggling to finish the last few bites of naan.

After a Pakistani tea (with milk and cardamom) I chat with Melinda, the Pakisztáni/Magyar waitress, who moaned about one of the customers being grumpy and rude. That really gets on her nerves, just so you know. They do home delivery too, in case you are always rude and don't want to worry about annoying Melinda in person.

After paying, I venture back out into the monochrome streets of autumnal Budapest. It's still raining, but armed with my belly full of curry I am winter-proof.

Food: 8/10
Service: 8/10
Atmosphere: 7.5/10

Value for money: 8/10 (lunch set)

Lucy F.

Pink Cadillac

Ráday utca 22 [map]
Pest South, IX, Kalvin ter (M3), 5 min
Cuisine > Italian American
Tel. 216-1412; 218-9382

Rating: 6.0/10

“...we dont have to drive it honey, we can park it out in back, and have a party in your pink cadillac.” (Bruce Springsteen). If you do have a party in Pink Cadillac, it’ll probably be a pizza party, or a pasta party, but it’s unlikely to be that memorable, not for the food anyway.

Table after table; parasol after parasol; menu after menu... woe betide the hapless tourist who returns from Budapest with nothing but memories of Váci utca, Liszt Ferenc tér and Ráday utca. There’s a holiday atmosphere, certainly, but the city’s tourist spots come with an obvious catch: you get watered-down Budapest at pumped-up prices.

Pink Cadillac has plenty of outdoor seating and the interior is fairly airy too, with much of the facade opening up for the summer. We took a table by the wall. After a few waiterless minutes, we thought we’d hit the button on the little box next to the table. (Note to manager - please change the text to read: “Hit the button if you want to piss the waiters off!”)

But I was briefly prepared to forgive the underwhelming service. A couple of strips of pizza bread with garlic butter were a pleasant enough, free appetizer while the pizza itself looked pretty appealing: no skimping on the olives and a fair amount of chicken too. However, the fusion of toppings didn’t add up to very much, getting through the doughy base became a war of attrition and no one offered me any pepper either.

The Spaghetti Frutti di Mari was distinctly lacking in great shakes too: two very small prawns left the twirls of processed seafood to dominate. Tiring of my pizza, I swapped it for the pasta for a while. Then I swapped back.

So, what of the venue? It’s ok. Modern, cleanish, with all the character of a modern, cleanish non-Italian pizza joint. The bonnet of a Cadillac coming through the wall doesn't do a lot for me, apart from giving some credence to the name. (Personally, I think they missed a trick in failing to involve Elvis, Springsteen, or Clint Eastwood.)

If this doesn't sound like your bag of mild Americana or there are no tables that take your fancy, you could always go next door to Paris, Texas, where you'll find exactly the same menu at exactly the same price, and another slightly cosier variant of mild Americana. Either way, if you’re on Ráday and you want a pizza, you could do worse and you could pay more. On the other hand, if you're looking for above-average cuisine, take a drive in a different neighbourhood.

Food: 6/10
Service: 6/10
Atmosphere: 6/10

Value for money: 6/10

Walk up Ráday utca from Kalvin tér and Pink Cadillac is on the left. They also do take-away.
Raday, Caddilac, Cadilac, Cadillack, Caddilack
Andy Sz.

Gyorskocsi utca 6 [map]
Buda, I, Batthyány tér (M2), 1 min

Rating: 7.5/10

The sausage is a complex animal. From Kolbász to Haggis; Cumberland to Toulouse, the variation is broad and the boast of many a national cuisine. And then there is Germany...

“....there are more different sausages in Germany than there are breakfast foods in America, and if there is a bad one among them then I have never heard of it. " [H.L. Mencken]

Buda's Bratwursthäusle will bring out the Bavarian in you or, at least, it tries its unconventional best. Picture an eighties office block, ground floor, mostly windows, and through those windows, the sides of a shed. Yes, with little chequered curtains in the shed windows. From the rows of benches outside, the effect is rather odd, but from the tables inside it feels as natural as sitting in a shed eating sausages. You might not believe that you’re in Germany but some form of disorientation is highly probable.

Bavarian soup with a liver dumpling is one of the more unusual starters I’ve experienced in Budapest. The fat sausage-like dumpling floats around the bowl like it’s fallen in by mistake. Appetising? Not exactly and less-so once you attack it. My sausage choice is Rost Bratwurste. Grilled sausages in a country with no grills are quite a treat and akin to English chipolata. The menu gave a choice of 6, 8, 10 or 12, obviously anticipating the arrival of chain sausage-eaters.

I also braved the leberkäse (literally liver-cheese) which was something like a thick slice of fried meatloaf. The unusual texture wasn’t really to my taste but certainly an option to any home-sick Bavarian. The Nűrnberger potato salad on the other hand was the perfect side to any meat-fest.

Notably, the beer is Bavarian too, and there’s a good selection: wheat beer, white or brown; pilsner; dark beer; Rigoletto – half pilsner, half brown – if you’re open to experimentation. Drinks prices are high, about 700 for a korso, but it’s easier to swallow when you’re paying for something that you won’t find elsewhere in the city.

The place is advertised as both Bierstube and Bratwursthäusle so it's as much a bar as a restaurant. But unless you're vegetarian, failing to try the food must be seen as a wasted opportunity. And it's relatively kind on the wallet, if not the waistline.

Food: 7/10
Service: 7.5/10
Atmosphere: 7.5/10

Value for money: 8/10
Bayerische Bierstube Bratwursthausle Bratwursthause Bratwursthaus
Look for the long benches just behind the market building on Batthyány tér.
Kolbászda Kolbaszda Bajor Söröző Sorozo
Andy Sz.

Kodály körönd [map]
Pest Centre, VI, Kodály körönd (M1), 0 min

Rating: 7.2/10 (Overall)

Halfway between Oktogon and Hősök tere, Kodály körönd (literally Kodály Circus, as in Picadilly) should be the pride of Andrássy. The road widens to form a lush, err... circus, with bushes, benches and sycamore trees (including the oldest in Budapest, according to the waiter at Huszár.) But it’s the four grandiose buildings, similar but by no means identical, that impress the most. It’s odd then that they are crumbling. Looking up, the penthouse rooms are spectacular but, by the number of smashed windows, patently unused.

With such inertia from the developers – one of the buildings, dubbed "Andrássy Palace Gardens”, has been earmarked for investors – there are certain perks. Cheap restaurants in a great location, being the most obvious. Kodály körönd has two.

Restaurant Huszár Pizzeria (Rating: 6.9/10) sits on the körönd itself, beneath one of the four behemoths. It’s a pleasure to sit out on the terrace, perusing the crumbling grandeur, comfortably far back from the road. The menu is intriguing and cheap, although in reality, simply adequate for the price. Both the ‘almás csirkemel’ (chicken breast with apple sauce) and cigánypecsenye (Gypsy-style roast pork) were rather greasy; it’s perhaps safer to stick to the pizza. Service though is friendly and everything’s reasonably priced.

The alternative is Cserepes kisvendéglő (Rating: 7.3/10), which is a few metres down Felső erdősor utca. Not really refined anough to be called a restaurant, it tends to get impossibly busy at lunchtime. But, if you’re very lucky, or eating off-peak, you may find room enough. There’s plenty of rantott-anything here i.e. things fried in breadcrumbs, and if you’re not hungry before you reach the corner, you will be once you smell the food. Just about all mains are under 1000Ft and tasty; not gourmet by any means, but a straightforward and very Hungarian addition to a walk down Andrássy.

So, all-in-all, a great place to come back to in ten years, when you can expect to find the buildings looking pristine but the lunch a lot less affordable. (Or, this being Hungary, the buildings looking the same, and the lunch a lot less affordable.)

Either walk up Andrássy from Oktogon, down from Hősök tere, or take the yellow M1 metro directly to Kodály körönd.
Kodaly, koday, korond, korund, kurund, huszar, hussar, husar.
Andy Sz.

Nagyi Palacsintázója

Batthyány tér 5 [map]
Buda, II, Batthyány tér (M2, T18), 2 min
Cuisine > Hungarian

Rating: 5.7/10

If I were a bank manager, and a customer dropped by to ask me for a loan to start up his bizarre chain of 24-HOUR pancake stores, I’d raise an eyebrow.

Maybe I’m too English to be thinking about túrós palacsintá at 2 am, or perhaps I don't quite get the Hungarian passion for pancakes. Either way, the unqualified success of Nagyi Palacsintázója strikes me as more than a little surprising.

There are four branches of ‘Grandma’s Pancakes’ in the city, as well as a ridiculously popular pancake boat (!) which opens during the summer. This simple dish seems to have enormous power to cut across generational boundaries - the first thing I notice when I walk into the Batthyány tér branch is that the customers really do range from eight to eighty.

The second thing I realise is that all the grandmothers are on the wrong side of the counter. Granny’s Pancakes!… it brings to mind a rustic kitchen… a sweet old lady bending over a bowl of pancake batter… an adorable squirrel running along the windowsill… birdsong floating in through an open window. In Batthyány the ‘grandmothers’ all seem to be about twenty and wear football shirts.

The third thing I lay eyes on are the five not-very-rustic microwaves, piled on top of one another behind the cash register. This is the real disappointment here; there's something soggy, rubbery and intrinsically depressing about a pre-prepared version. The temperature of the savoury pancakes is also wildly inconsistent; it's hard to shake the niggling feeling that 'Grandma' might be feeding you something which will give you food poisoning.

So far then, you'd be forgiven for thinking that
Nagyi Palacsintázója sounds just a little bit crep-ey. Which begs the question... how can it be so popular?

Well, at approximately 220 ft for a palacsint
á or 350 ft for a jacket potato (not in a pancake) there's no denying that it's cheap. The sweet pancakes are not at all bad and what's more, it feels authentically Hungarian - in a lot of countries Nagymama's might be considered unusual, and possibly even, daring. Not only are they brave enough to open all hours, there's also a menu which seems rather experimental. It isn't everywhere, after all, that you can buy Milanoi palacsintá, a dish which basically adds up to pasta... in a pancake.

Food: 5/10
Service: 5/10
Atmosphere: 6/10

Value for money: 6.5/10

Take the red line to
Batthyány. Go out onto the square and Nagymama's is near the market hall, next to Pizza Marzano. Other branches are here.
Granny's pancakes, Nagmama palacsinta, najmama, palachinta, palacinta, palascinta, pancak.
Andy T.

Pest-Buda Vendéglő

Fortuna utca 3 [map]
Buda, I, Disz tér (B10/110), 2 min
Tel. 212 5880

Rating: 5.8/10

I rarely consider the Vár (the Castle District) as a destination for anything other than wandering around. Why? Because it's the safe bit of Budapest - it's kind of obvious what you're going to get: pretty Budapest on a plate. A relatively expensive plate. However, there are quite a few restaurants up there, so I thought I'd mingle with the middle-aged tourist crowd for one night only.

Pest-Buda Vendéglő is indeed pretty. We peered in through the window before going in and it looked pleasantly traditional. The sound of the gypsy violin was nice enough too. My sister was in town and, handing in our coats at the reception, it felt a notch above what I was used to. A small but intriguing menu was also priced a notch higher than usual.

Pondering the menu, however, was not straightforward. Why? Because of the Russians on the next table over. The violinist had moved away from his pianist and began to serenade them, something that they clearly weren't too keen on. Hmmm, the rabbit looks quite nice; (in reality it's tasty but a little dry.) The violinist persists. Chicken with strawberries sounds interesting; (in reality the strawberries are jellied and not so interesting.) Oh, I see, he's going to bother them until they tip him. But the Russians are not for turning.

And so, as we ate our starters, we awaited the inevitable. The soup-du-jour was a nice but fairly standard potato soup, while my sister's breadcrumbed pancake filled with pate was twice as expensive but tasty, and in fact, a little too filling. The violinist emerged from over my sister's shoulder. At least he wasn't playing Danny Boy any more - that famed gypsy-folk ballad. We sat uncomfortably amused, thinking "How much to get rid of him for good?" 1000Ft proved to be enough but the rest of the meal was spent contemplating it. The final challenge lay in paying the actual bill: no credit cards accepted.

In retrospect, the whole soap opera was mildly entertaining and the food wasn't bad but I would prefer to decide which 'entertainment' I pay for rather than having it thrust upon me. My suspicion that the Vár isn't the most likely to produce any real gems is now that bit stronger, and I'll be sticking to the more down-to-earth Budapest for the foreseeable future.

Food: 8/10
Service: 5/10
Atmosphere: 5/10

Value for money: 5/10
Andy Sz.

Millenium da Pippo

Andrássy út 76 [map]
Pest Centre, VI, between
Vörösmarty utca and Kodály körönd (M1), 1 min
Cuisine > Italian

Rating: 7.9/10

The pizza has been stolen. Just look around Budapest and you’ll find Pizza Huts, Pizza Marzanos (the thinly disguised Pizza Express) and lots of pizza slices from quick-fire window hatches; all of which are about as Italian as my aunt.

For other pizzas that have surrendered their nationality, there’s the atmospheric, commie-style Marxim, the super-cheap,
edible-if-you’re-hungry Den Haag and the dough-heavy Darshan. Even in my flat, you may well find the charred remains of a distinctly Germanicized Doktor Oetker frozen cardboard pizza-wannabe. But where are the bona fide Italian pizzas?

Only a cynic or a rival restaurant would doubt Millenium da Pippo’s Italian credentials. The waiter’s Italian. The pizzaiolo’s Italian. The house wines are Italian (and perfectly drinkable). The photos of the Ferraris and the unidentified relative in the Juventus jumper are most definitely Italian. The tiles on the wall are... left over from the restaurant’s former metro-themed incarnation. Still, they do nothing to upset a comfortable, intimate, relaxed feel.

The menu, in Italian and Hungarian, is the right way round and scanning through all the pizzas and pastas will take you a while. English menus, and indeed, the wine list, are available if you ask. There are also some meat and fish options, if you want to be a bit less predictable, but the prices do creep up.

Eating out, I usually find myself going for the pasta-avoidance tactic, no doubt a symptom of too often finding that I could have made the same thing myself, for a fraction of the price. There is, however, no need to doubt Pippo's range of fresh pastas. The
Ravioli Mamma reminds me that my reliance on pasta as a safety net is bordering on the sacreligious.

For pizzas you get what you pay for. The bases were thin and light, and didn’t require a knife fight to cut, which justified prices that are a shade more than many of the city’s alternatives. I decided on the Pizza Buffon (team-mates Totti and Del Piero are also on the menu), which had quite a busy topping but was oddly under-priced. The answer was in the artichokes, which might been more expensive and more flavoursome had they been fresh! The more modest-looking but pricier Pizza Pippo, on the other hand, with parma ham and basil, was much closer to the mark.

Not without flaws, Pippo still leaves room for some competition. However, after a few months of unconsciously munching through various pizza pretenders, it's a welcome reminder of what pizza, and pasta for that matter, ought to be.

Food: 8/10
Service: 7.5/10
Atmosphere: 8.5/10

Value for money: 7.5/10

Only a short walk from Oktogon along
Andrássy, in a Hősök tere direction, Millenium da Pippo is small but easy to find on the left side of the road. Alternatively, walking down from Kodály körönd, the nearest metro stop, it's on the right.
pipo, milennium, millennium, de
Andy Sz.

Lan Zhou

Luther utca 1/b [map]
Pest Centre, VIII, Blaha Lujza tér (M2), 5 min
Cuisine > Chinese

Tel. 061 314 1080

Rating: 8.0/10

A few years ago, my friend Akio was transferred here from a smallish city on the coast of Japan. Budapest isn't the easiest place to settle, especially for a fifty-year-old man who can't speak the language, misses home comforts, and doesn't particularly like Hungarian food. He actually takes a pretty dim view of Asian cuisine in the city too, which is why once a month, the whole family pile into the car and drive across to Vienna for a meal.

I think I’ve only ever heard him speak enthusiastically about one restaurant in Hungary and that’s Lan Zhou, a Chinese place off Rákóczi. It’s been around for years, long enough in fact, to give birth to a sister establishment across the water in Buda. While it might not be fancy, it is certainly a cut above any of Budapest's mostly dreadful Kinai büfés.

Lan Zhou always strikes me as extremely laid-back. The grizzled waiters look like nothing would faze them, the kitchen staff spend an awful lot of time sitting around outside the kitchen, and
you rarely need a reservation. The menu is extensive and authentic, right down to the sometimes hairy meat selection - gizzard, heart, lungs and ears - which all sound like key ingredients of Pedigree Chum.

At this point, a word of warning might be in order... although it's been translated, the menu can still be puzzling, and certain dishes should be approached with caution. Pork 'stripes' for example are not, as you might expect, strips of pork. Instead, take away the first and last letters of the word, and you'll end up with this.

Once you're over that hurdle, there's plenty to enjoy. Lan Zhou has excellent noodle soups, the dumplings (420 ft) are delicious and there's a huge variety of main courses. When it comes to
recommendations it's difficult to know where to start, but the 'Chinese mince with eggplants' (1300 ft), is excellent. Taking friends and putting together your own banquet is advised; the more the merrier.

Lan Zhou stands out then, without seeming to make very much effort. It's unpretentious, the food is consistently good and it really is value for money. Which brings me on to Akio's two favourite things; first, the bill, because it's always much less than he imagines. And, the other thing is the location, because it's in Blaha, not Austria.

Food: 8/10

Service: 8/10
Atmosphere: 7.5/10

Value for money: 8.5/10

Take the red line to Blaha and walk down Rákóczi towards Keleti, on the right hand side of the street. After a few minutes, you'll reach a Match supermarket. Turn right onto Luther Utca, and it's on the right.

lan zou, lanzou, chinese etterem, lanzoo, Chinese restaurant, uj lanzhou, hub choice
Andy T.


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